
On Homemaking and Finding Your Style

Homemaking involves so much more than just decorations and daily chores – it involves cultivating habits of hospitality, service, and nourishment in ways that bring glory to our Heavenly Father. In Proverbs 31, we witness the virtue of homemaking and service to others unfold in a beautiful way (see Proverbs 31:12-15, 31:20-24, 31:27). It’s important to remember the sweet truths found in this Proverbs chapter when curating a vision for the style, theme, and overall purpose of your home.

I’m going to dive into a few key points to keep in mind when designing a vision for your space. I hope you are encouraged by these sweet truths that come with the blessing of home, no matter where you decide to build it.

Disclaimer: The article below is a snippet of my Home & Living column for SPLENDEUR magazine. Enjoy this brief introduction to the article, and click the link at the bottom of the page to read the entire feature. Thanks for your support, friend!

“Home” is Wherever You Make It

Whether it be an apartment, a rented room, a guest house, shared quarters, or a home of your own, your unique space is what makes a place a home – not the size or the location. There are no pre-requisites for creating a space that can be used to glorify the Lord. Remember this first before diving into any other aspects of homemaking.

It’s also important to remember that having a small home space doesn’t disqualify you from being a wonderful host. Get creative in finding ways to make your space hospitable and pray that the Lord would use all of its corners to bring Him glory. I promise that you will find the art of homemaking to be both humbling and rewarding when you open your mind to new ideas. 

a navy blue couch decorated with modern boho pillows in a small apartment living room

You Can Break the “Rules” When Establishing a Theme for Your Home

I want to encourage you to not feel the need to fit your home’s style within the parameters of a specific trend (farmhouse, boho, eclectic, minimal, traditional, etc.). It can seem so daunting to decorate a space when you are boxing yourself into specific design “rules,” if you will. Instead, spend some time creating vision boards for every room in your house (Pinterest is great for this!), and don’t be afraid to mix styles together. Do you feel drawn to rustic farmhouse pieces for the kitchen but modern boho colors for your bedroom? Go for it! There are no rules when bringing to life a space that makes you and your family feel safe, comfortable, and happy…

The theme of your home will also greatly depend on what you plan to do with the space and how you feel God calling you to use it. Does your family focus heavily on hosting? If so, you might want to plan the vision of your home around statement seating pieces such as several sofas, lounge chairs, or a larger dining room table. Has God given you a great desire to serve others through cooking? Make your kitchen the focal point of your home and find furniture and decor pieces that allow for gathering in this space. Are you raising children? Don’t be embarrassed that your home looks “lived in.” Embrace the greasy handprints on the walls, the toys piled in the corner of the room, and the colorful drawings hung on the fridge. Your home is a haven – a place of comfort and safety for them as they grow into the people God has called them to be. Don’t be afraid to embrace this…




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