
5 Ideas For a Date Night In

Dating your spouse is an important part of maintaining a healthy relationship but dates can get expensive fast! So, if you’re like me, you’re always looking for creative at-home date ideas. I’ve rounded up five of our favorite ideas for a date night in that won’t break the bank! I hope you enjoy these as much as we do.

For A Date Night In

#1: Camping in Your Living Room

This one is my all-time favorite date night in that James has arranged a couple of times since we’ve been married. He usually goes all out, which is why this is a rare occurrence, but this can definitely be done with just a few in-home items. First things first, we always set up camp. Sometimes we go all out and pitch up a roof made of sheets, line the living room in pillows, and string lights across the room. And sometimes, its as simple as a few blankets and pillows in the middle of the floor. Next, we usually grab quite a few fun snacks at the store and then settle down for a movie. In the Winter months, we will turn on our fireplace and make hot cocoa! Don’t be afraid to get creative with this! Maybe hang up paper stars from the ceiling and sleep there that night, roast s’mores on the stove top, turn off all the lights and pretend you have no electricity. Whatever it looks like for you, have fun with it and make memories!

#2: Picnic on the Patio

We have a small balcony in our townhouse, which we will sometimes use in the Summer months to enjoy a meal on. But honestly, we will mostly have picnics in our living room. However this looks for you, picnics in allow for some of the sweetest memories! We will usually order take-out at a favorite restaurant of ours, and set up camp to eat and talk. This is a great way to unwind from the day, talk about what’s going on in each others’ lives, and spend quality time away from things like T.V. or our never-ending to-do lists. Its during these dates, too, that we often dream about the future and talk about goals together. It’s such an important aspect of marriage, that often gets neglected because of other distractions. So take time to slow down, put on some music, and enjoy uninterrupted time together!

#3: Game Night

This is probably our No. 1 go-to date night in idea, because we are huge board games people. We have a pretty good collection that we have slowly been working through! I have found this to be a really sweet way to learn more about each other. We will usually make something easy for dinner (like Chili or Pasta), and eat it in bowls cuddled up at our game table. And every couple of months, when we are ready for a new game, we go out and shop for a new one to try! This is such an inexpensive way to create multiple date nights.

#4: Cook Something New Together

I am by no means a good cook. As a matter of fact, James actually does most of the cooking around here. But every once in a while, we will cook something new together, and we always have SO much fun doing it. Following a recipe, learning how each of us work in the kitchen differently, sharing a few laughs along the way…its exciting! And the best part is seeing how it turns out! I have a Pinterest board filled with fun recipes I want to try. This is a good way to start…create your board, and slowly start checking off the list! We are also subscribed to Hello Fresh (a food subscription box) which gives us date nights a few times a month! (You can sign up here to save $40 off your first box!) Experiencing something new together, even something as simple as a new meal, is such a sweet way to deepen your bond.

#5: Living Room Dance Lessons

Confession: We actually haven’t tried this one yet, but it’s been on my list and I CAN’T wait to try it out! I’ve been saving some YouTube Video’s on dance lessons to watch later, and maybe sometime soon we will cross this one off our list 😉 I think this is a great way to work on good communication together, and to have fun doing it! Sometimes it doesn’t even take watching a video…just put on some music and dance around together! Maybe even replay that First Dance song from your Wedding!

There are so many other great date night in ideas, but these were just a few of my favorite! A fun tip we have incorporated into these are writing notes to each other. Its the little things that go a long way in pursuing your spouse and strengthening your marriage! Let me know in the comments below if there are any date night in ideas I should add to my list, we are always looking for new ideas!




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